Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September 11, 2012 ~ Bible Verse and Sight Word Reader

Happy Tuesday! 
Here is the Bible Verse for this week:
" I will listen to what the Lord says, He promises peace to his people his faithful servants." Psalm 85:8A

  • "Little Me!" Sight Word Reader - You're child will be bringing home one of these readers each week. Please read it with them tonight and if they have any trouble with the sight words I, am, the  or little then review and practice those words with them until they know them well. I realize that for most of you this is pretty easy but we want to make sure that everyone knows them well!
  • I will be sending home one of these readers each week so you might want to find a nice little spot to keep them in at home.
Science News:
We have started our Unit on Living /Non Living. Please have your child draw a picture of one living thing and one non living thing around your house and bring it in to school by Friday! Thank you to those children who have already done it and brought it in today, you
did a GREAT job!

    Blessings !


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